The Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) school board and other officials discussed two options for back-to-school at a meeting Monday evening. The first is a hybrid option based on school capacity. Students would rotate into school for face-to-face learning while other students learned remotely, and switch. The second option is a fully remote learning plan, […]
Maryland Public Schools to Stay Closed Remainder of Academic Year
Maryland Public Schools will remain closed for the remainder of the academic 2019-2020 school year. Online learning will continue and students will not return to campuses because of the coronavirus. The announcement was made Wednesday at a news conference with Gov. Larry Hogan and State Superintendent Dr. Karen Salmon. Salmon said, “After extensive discussions with […]
County Council Reviews MCPS Capital Budget for FY21-26
The Montgomery County Council held a virtual work session on Monday to review the Capital Improvements Program Budget for Montgomery County Public Schools. The Board’s FY21-26 request totals $1.82 billion. This is $74.2 million (or 4.3 %) higher than the FY19-24 amended CIP of $1.74 billion according to county officials. County Board of Education President […]
Arranca la Primera Fase de Aprendizaje en Línea de MCPS
A través de una carta dirigida a los estudiantes y padres de familia de las Escuelas Públicas de Montgomery (MCPS), el Superintendente escolar el Dr. Jack Smith dice que “implantar un plan de aprendizaje en remoto en un sistema escolar tan grande como MCPS requerirá coordinación, colaboración, capacitación y práctica”. En la carta también se […]
Todas las Escuelas Públicas de Maryland Cierran desde el Lunes
Durante la conferencia de prensa que ofreció el Gobernador de Maryland Larry Hogan sobre el coronavirus, el jueves, se anunció que a partir del lunes 16 de marzo, todas las escuelas públicas de Maryland permanecerán cerradas hasta el viernes 27 de marzo. La decisión fue recomendada por Karen Salmon, la superintendente estatal de las Escuelas […]
Maryland to Close Public Schools Starting Monday, Prohibit Large Gatherings
It was announced during Gov. Larry Hogan’s Thursday press conference on the coronavirus pandemic that starting Monday, March 16, all public schools in Maryland will be closed through Friday, March 27. Hogan also announced the state is prohibiting gatherings larger 250 people. The decision to close schools was recommended by Karen Salmon, the state superintendent […]
Más Estudiantes se Graduaron en 2019 de MCPS
Las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Montgomery (MCPS) han anunciado un aumento en su tasa de graduación para la Clase de 2019. La tasa de estudiantes aumentó de 88.4% a 88.7%, según datos del Departamento de Educación del Estado de Maryland. Los nuevos datos colocan la tasa de graduación de MCPS por encima del promedio […]
MCPS Announces Meetings for Districtwide Boundary Analysis
During his monthly press conference, Montgomery County Public Schools Superintendent Jack Smith announced upcoming meetings for families to weigh in on the MCPS’s Districtwide Boundary Analysis study. The first hearing takes place Monday evening in the Board of Education’s hearing room, located at 850 Hungerford Drive in Rockville. There are more meetings about the boundary […]
Navarro Presenta Programa de Equidad Racial para el Condado
La actual Presidenta del Concejo del Condado de Montgomery, Nancy Navarro, presentó el proyecto de ley 27-19 en una conferencia de prensa el martes, que crearía un programa de equidad racial y justicia social para el gobierno del condado de Montgomery. Navarro ha encabezado el esfuerzo para crear una política sobre la equidad racial en […]
Navarro to Introduce County-Wide Racial Equity Program
Nancy Navarro is introducing Bill 27-19 at a press conference Tuesday, which would create a racial equity and social justice program for Montgomery County government. Navarro has been spearheading the effort to create a policy about racial equity in the county since April 2018. Meanwhile, since March 2019, Navarro, County Executive Marc Elrich, and other […]
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