
August 7, 2020 | Andrea Sarralde

Elrich: ‘Datos sobre Niños y Transmisión están Empeorando, no Mejorando’

El Ejecutivo del condado de Montgomery, Marc Elrich, en su conferencia de prensa virtual semanal del miércoles, dijo que los datos muestran que los niños pueden portar cargas virales más altas y pueden ser transmisores de la enfermedad, más de lo que la mayoría de la gente supone. “Los datos sobre los niños y la […]

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August 7, 2020 | Jordan Lindsay

Elrich ‘Data on Children and Transmission is Actually Getting Worse, Not Better’

Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich – in his weekly virtual media briefing on Wednesday – said that data shows that children can carry higher viral loads, and can be more effective transmitters of the disease than most people assume.  “The data on children and transmission is actually getting worse, not better… it’s not just a […]

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May 6, 2020 | Jordan Lindsay

Updated COVID-19 Data Shows How Virus is Impacting Local Community

Lots of updated information regarding the impact of COVID-19 in Montgomery County is available. County Executive Marc Elrich, and County Health Officer Dr. Travis Gayles discussed pandemic efforts during their weekly virtual media briefing on Wednesday. County Executive Elrich confirmed the grim milestone of 304 COVID-19 related deaths. Currently, there’s more than 5,000 confirmed COVID-19 […]

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December 11, 2018 | Deirdre Byrne

MCPS Middle School Rankings Based on Maryland Report Card Scores

Last week, every school in Montgomery County received a Maryland School Report Card, which serves as an education “accountability system” for Maryland’s public schools. The report cards measure test results, curriculum access, absenteeism rates, school climate, college and career readiness, and student growth. Schools receive three scores: Star Rating (based on point percentage). Percentile Rank (school’s performance compared […]

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July 21, 2015 | Sonya Burke

Identity Theft Forum (VIDEO)

Identity theft is a growing problem across the country and right here in Maryland. In fact, over 275 people attended an identity theft and fraud prevention forum earlier this month in Germantown. The standing-room only event at the BlackRock Center for the Arts was hosted by Congressman John Delaney and featured one-on-one advice from over […]

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July 16, 2015 | Sonya Burke

Congressman Delaney Hosts Identity Theft Forum (PHOTOS)

Over 275 people attended an identity theft and fraud prevention forum on Thursday night in Germantown. The standing-room only event at the BlackRock Center for the Arts was hosted by U.S. Rep. John Delaney and featured one-on-one advice from federal, state and county officials. There was also a panel discussion with some of these experts. […]

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April 1, 2015 | Krista Brick

Data Breach at Westland Middle School Releases Student Locker Combinations

Information technology professionals are trying to determine today how students were able to access a secured computer file at Bethesda’s Westland Middle School and distribute the names, locker numbers and locker combinations for that school’s 1,400 lockers. Montgomery County Public School’s Westland Principal Alison Serino told MyMCMedia Wednesday that a substitute teacher saw the students […]

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February 7, 2015 | Sonya Burke

County Unveils New Website that Spotlights Spending Data (PHOTOS & VIDEO)

Montgomery County officials have unveiled a new website designed to provide residents and businesses with unprecedented access to raw spending data. It’s called spendingMontgomery and local leaders said the website is a national model for financial transparency in government. “We are committed to open government, and to transparency, in everything we do,” said Montgomery County […]

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