The State of Maryland announced Thursday that it will implement updated guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for social distancing in the classroom. The guidelines recommend that with universal masking, students in grades K-12 should maintain a minimum of three feet during in-person learning. “Every single Maryland student must have the […]
Eight County Recreation Centers Resume In-Person Activities
It’s been a challenging year to stay fit, but hope is on the horizon as Montgomery County Department of Recreation is gradually reopening its community centers. So far, eight of the county’s 21 community centers have reopened: Bauer Drive Recreation Center in Rockville, Nancy H. Dacek North Potomac Community Recreation Center, Plum Gar Recreation Center […]
MCPS School Board Votes to Combine Last Two Reopening Phases
In a unanimous vote Tuesday, the Montgomery County Board of Education accelerated the phase-in plan when it comes to in-person learning by combining Phases 2.1 and 2.2. Now, grades 7 and 10 will phase in by April 19, joining grades 8, 9 and 11. Originally, grades 7 and 10 were scheduled to return by April […]
MCPS Actualiza las Restricciones de Viaje a Medida que se Reanudan las Clases Presenciales
Las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Montgomery (MCPS) publicaron el lunes una actualización sobre las recomendaciones de viaje. Se han emitido nuevas pautas de viaje a medida que se reanuda la instrucción en persona, y los estudiantes y el personal han comenzado a compartir nuevamente espacios físicos. Las vacaciones de primavera del condado son la […]
MCPS Updates Travel Restrictions as In-Person Classes Resume
Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) released a community update on travel recommendations on Monday. New travel guidelines have been issued as in-person instruction has resumed, and students and staff have begun to share a space again. The county’s spring break is the week of March 29, an opportunity for many to travel. According to the […]
Los CDC Publican una Guía para Personas que están Completamente Vacunadas
Los Centros para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) emitió la primera guía para personas que están completamente vacunadas contra COVID-19. Según CDC, las personas completamente vacunadas pueden comenzar algunos tipos de interacción social, de manera segura. Se considera que las personas están completamente vacunadas contra COVID-19 después de dos semanas de la segunda […]
CDC Releases Guidance for Fully Vaccinated People
The CDC issued the first guidance for people fully vaccinated for COVID-19 on its website Monday. Based on the science, the CDC says fully vaccinated people can start to safely begin some types of social interaction. People are considered fully vaccinated for COVID-19 two or more weeks after their second dose of the Pfizer or […]
Hogan: ex Director de los CDC se Desempeñará como Asesor Principal de Salud
El ex director de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC, por sus siglas en inglés), el Dr. Robert Redfield, se une al equipo de respuesta al coronavirus de Maryland como asesor principal de salud pública. El gobernador Larry Hogan hizo el anuncio en compañía de Redfield, el martes en una […]
Hogan: Former CDC Director Redfield to Serve as Senior Health Adviser
Former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield is joining Maryland’s coronavirus response team as a public health senior advisor. Gov. Larry Hogan made the announcement at a press briefing on Tuesday, where he was joined by Redfield. “[H]e will advise us on a wide range of immediate priorities, including planning our response to the coronavirus variants, […]
Maryland Sees Almost Zero Flu Activity This Season
During this influenza season, there is almost no flu activity present in Maryland, Gov. Larry Hogan’s Communications Director Mike Ricci said Friday morning. In a tweet, Ricci displayed a chart comparing clinical laboratory test positivity rates for flu seasons from 2017 until now. Positivity rates during the 2020-2021 flu season have remained below 5% so […]
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