Local taxi companies are delivering groceries and food to residents who are a part of the Call-n-Ride program, according to a statement from Montgomery County. Taxis will provide contactless delivery of essentials from grocery stores, food banks and restaurants to low-income senior citizens and residents with disabilities who are a part of the program. Goods […]
MCDOT Receives $500K to Enhance Mobility for Seniors, Individuals with Disabilities
The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) has received $544,430 in federal funding to reduce monthly co-pays for the county’s Call-n-Ride participants. Call-n-Ride is a taxi service for low-income seniors and individuals with disabilities. The two-year grant from the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board at the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments will allow MCDOT […]
County Offers Aid In Multiple Languages for Seniors and Individuals With Disabilities
Montgomery County is offering two services that can help seniors and individuals with disabilities gain access to personalized assistance and transportation. According to a news release, The Aging and Disability Resource Unit (ADRU) provides personalized assistance, referrals and information to seniors, individuals with disabilities and caregivers. Assistance is provided by telephone or in person. Staff […]
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