UPDATED, Oct. 9, 11:20 a.m. — The annual Bethesda Green Gala was held at the Bethesda Blues and Jazz Supper Club on Oct. 8. More than 300 hundred people gathered at the fundraiser that featured “green champions” from the businesses, nonprofits, school and faith community. In this MyMCMedia Extra, County and Bethesda Green officials said it […]
bethesda green incubator
Bethesda Green Incubator Helped Toss a Salad Dressing Creator into the Business World (VIDEO)
Dress It UP Dressing is a brand of organic salad dressing created by Sophia Maroon who started her company So Fine Foods with the help of the Bethesda Green incubator. In this MyMCMedia Extra she talks about launching her company. Related: Related:
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