El gobernador Larry Hogan anunció el miércoles otro incentivo para llevar la vacuna COVID-19 a los jóvenes residentes de Maryland. La Comisión de Educación Superior de Maryland (MHEC) y el Departamento de Salud de Maryland han formado una asociación para regalar $1 millón de dólares en becas universitarias a 20 residentes de Maryland vacunados de […]
Hogan Announces Scholarship Lottery for Young Vaccinated Marylanders
Gov. Larry Hogan announced on Wednesday another incentive to get the COVID-19 vaccine into young Marylanders. The Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) and the Maryland Department of Health have formed a partnership to give away $1 million in college scholarships to 20 vaccinated Marylanders ages 12 through 17. The initiative, called the VaxU Scholarship Promotion, […]
Hucker, Van Hollen Discuss How American Rescue Plan Will Benefit Residents
U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen joined Montgomery County Council President Tom Hucker during a virtual media briefing on Monday to discuss the American Rescue Plan Act. The legislation provides additional relief to address the continued impact of COVID-19. Officials provided an overview of the bill and outlined vital provisions that will benefit Montgomery County residents and […]
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