I’d like to share my blog post (below) that was recently published at the Millennial, an online journal that provides Catholic opinion on the most pressing issues of our times in politics, religion, and culture. ________________ As a financial planner, I encourage people to take control of their finances and plan for their future. I often […]
5 Tips to Prepare for GOP Tax Bill
Significant tax changes are being discussed in Congress. If approved, these will take effect in 2018. Many deductions may be eliminated. While the proposed legislation is not yet a done deal, consider the following tax planning opportunities by end of 2017: If you pay estimated taxes, make your final state tax payment in December, instead […]
How GOP Tax Plan May Affect You
2017 Taxable Income How You May Feel Reason Single $0 to $9,235 Why me? Small tax hike (up to $190) $9,326 to $37,950 TY Small tax cut (~$280 to $1,100/yr) $37,951 to $45,000 Yay! Decent tax cut ($4,900 to $5,800/yr) $45,001 to $91,900 Meh […]
How to Choose Your Health Care Plan for 2018
It is open enrollment next week, and we must evaluate and choose the best health care plan for our household for the coming year. If you get health insurance through an exchange, open enrollment for 2018 runs from November 1 to December 15 (instead of January 31). Shopping is fun, but it doesn’t apply for […]
Should You Follow These Four Money Rules of Thumb?
Rules of thumb help us make quick decisions without having to consult an expert. But as the definition suggests, it is not reliable for every situation. Below are four financial rules of thumb and when you may or may not want to follow it. 1) Homeownership Rule: Pay at least 20% for down payment. Ideally, […]
Protect Yourself from Latest Equifax Breach
Yesterday, Equifax revealed that sensitive information such as Social Security numbers of 143 million customers were stolen through a cyberattack. That’s close to half the U.S. population. Equifax is one of the three major credit reporting agencies. Here are four things we can do to mitigate potential damage to our credit: 1) Enroll in Equifax’s free credit […]
Four Money Tips for Young Professionals
It’s exciting to live in the Washington metropolitan area as a young professional. There are plenty of social activities in the city, and nature hikes are close by. I just enjoyed tubing and hiking last weekend with my Ultimate Frisbee friends at Harpers Ferry – loads of fun! As we enjoy life, it’s also good to […]
Three Simple Steps to Revolutionize Your Budget
Do you want a vacation in the Caribbean next year? Save for a new couch? Watch concerts at Strathmore regularly? Having an effective budget can help us reach specific life goals. Contrary to public opinion, budgeting helps us achieve financial freedom. Less than half of Americans have a budget, and only a fraction of them […]
Is Your Money Aligned With Your Values?
Do you prefer organic food? Do you recycle? Do you believe in fair labor standards? Great! But what if I told you that your 401k and IRA investments are running contrary to the values that are important to you? The largest stock mutual funds in America include companies that sell guns and tobacco, operate private […]
Will Being Rich Make us Happier?
Is having lots of money the key to financial security and happiness? Many of us seem to think so. More than 140 million Americans buy lottery tickets each year. By winning that $100 million jackpot, we can finally buy our dream house, quit our job, and travel the world! We feel we would no longer […]
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