Maryland’s electors will cast their vote for president and vice president Monday, Dec. 14 at noon, as part of the Electoral College process. While they will vote in the State House, this year’s event will be closed to the public due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The event will be livestreamed on the Maryland Board of […]
Where to Vote in Montgomery County on Election Day
Montgomery County voters have several options where they can cast their ballot on election day. Any registered voters can cast their ballot at any one of Montgomery County’s 28 Election Day voting centers and 11 early voting centers. The hours of operation for each voting center is 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Where to Vote […]
Arrancó este Lunes la Votación Anticipada en Montgomery
Los votantes del condado de Montgomery pueden emitir su voto para las elecciones generales del 3 de noviembre de 2020 en once centros de votación anticipada desde el 26 de octubre hasta el 2 de noviembre. El horario de atención de cada centro de votación anticipada es de 7 a.m. a 8 p.m. Cualquier votante […]
Early Voting Centers Open Oct. 26 to Nov. 2 in Montgomery County
Montgomery County voters can cast their ballots for the Nov. 3, 2020, General Election at eleven Early Voting Centers from Oct. 26 through Nov. 2. The hours of operation for each early voting center is 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Any registered voter may cast a ballot at any one of these sites using the […]
Hoy Martes 13 es el Último Día para Registrarse para Votar en las Elecciones
¿Está registrado para votar en las elecciones presidenciales del 3 de noviembre? El último día para registrarse para votar en Maryland es hoy martes 13 de octubre. Por lo tanto, para poder emitir su voto en esta próxima elección, asegúrese de verificar su registro de votante haciendo clic en este enlace. Si necesita registrarse, esto […]
Deadline: Register To Vote in Maryland by Oct. 13
Are you registered to vote in the Nov. 3 Presidential Election? The last day to register to vote in Maryland is Tuesday, Oct. 13. So, in order to cast your ballot in this upcoming election, make sure you check your voter registration by clicking this link. If you need to register, here’s what you can […]
Maryland Attorney General: Those Who Try to Vote Twice Will Be Prosecuted
While visiting North Carolina Wednesday, President Trump suggested residents should try to vote by mail more than once. The president doubled-down on his comments on social media Thursday, continuing to sow confusion in the upcoming election. Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh responded to the president’s comments on Twitter Thursday, saying, “Please, folks, don’t follow Trump’s advice. […]
New Project ‘Gender on the Ballot’ Examines Gender Dynamics in the 2020 Election Cycle
Women candidates recently made history by sharing the national presidential debate stage in the 2020 election cycle. With the intersection of gender and politics at play, the big question is whether the characteristics of female candidates make them more viable to win an election. To help answer that question, the Women & Politics Institute at […]
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