Sunflower Fields Draw Nature Lovers to Poolesville (VIDEO & PHOTOS)
When was the last time you walked through a field of sunflowers? Some photographers and other nature lovers are taking time to appreciate the sunflower fields planted every year by Maryland’s Department of Natural Resources. MyMCMedia’s Phyllis Armstrong reports on the fields in Poolesville.
If you go to see the sunflowers you might want to take sunscreen and insect repellent. The sunflower fields are in the public hunting area of McKee Beshers Wildlife Management Area. Biologist Candice Haskin says mourning doves and other birds are attracted to the seeds dropped by the sunflowers right before hunting season starts in September. Fees from hunting licenses cover the costs of planting the fields. The sunflowers are expected to be in full bloom through July 20. Go to the DNR website for more information on the sunflowers and the location of the fields.
The sunflowers are there to attract Mourning Doves.
Mourning Doves are named because they mate for life. They mourn a lost mate. I don’t see the need to kill them.
It’s a cold & insensitive act & although they may taste good, it’s only for a few small bites. I’d have to wonder about anyone who wold kill a Mourning -Dove for sport. It shows a great lack of character.
I agree with the above poster about killing little birds for three bites of their bodies. If would be different if there was hunger or survival involved. And, what sport is it to attract them there to feed and then shoot them? I have seen those guys out there, all dresses in camo ready to kill the wildlife. Don’t they have a freezer full of pork chops at home?
The sunflower fields seem to have a dark side to them.
It is surprising that the general public is allowed or encouraged to enter the field. The general public has a way of trampling and destroying everything.
The general public is also likely to be generally covered in ticks after running through the flowers.
I have seen the sunflowers in years past and hiked that area a few times, in the non tick season.