Study Seeks Opinions on Montgomery County School Board Compensation
Do you think the the school board members deserve a raise?
A new panel, the Montgomery County Board of Education Compensation Commission, was established by the Maryland General Assembly in October 2018. Its job is to study the compensation for school board members and make recommendations for changes every four years. After receiving the commission’s recommendations, the county’s General Assembly delegation may introduce legislation to change the salaries of board members.
Five county residents are appointed to the commission by the County Executive and confirmed by the County Council. Each serves a term of four years.
The commission is responsible to make recommendations for board members, a stipend for the board president, and the scholarship amount to award the student board member. Currently, county board members receive $25,000 annually. The board president receives $29,000 and the student board member receives a $5,000 college scholarship, Student Service Learning hours, and one honors-level social studies credit.
The commission is currently examining the current compensation and is seeking the public’s input via a survey that is currently open.
The survey can be found at The survey closes on Sunday, Nov. 24.
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