SHA Prepares for Winter Storm, Urges Drivers to Avoid Roads During Rush Hours

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The Maryland Department of Transportation’s State Highway Administration (SHA) is preparing for today’s winter storm. Precipitation is expected to begin during the afternoon rush hour and continue all day Tuesday. While precipitation is forecasted to begin as rain, it is expected to change over quickly to snow. SHA is encouraging drivers to stay off the roads to give crews space to work.

“With another storm expected to begin during or just after the evening commute, we implore motorists to be part of the solution, not part of the problem,” said SHA Administrator Gregory Johnson.

The SHA and contract crews pre-treated interstates and some primary roads on Sunday in anticipation of today’s storm and will continue pre-treatment today. SHA’s Emergency Operations center will activate later today and remain active throughout the storm to manage operations.

In storms that are predicted to produce six or more inches of snow, SHA makes some park and rides available to truckers to ride out the storm. Visit the SHA website here for a map and access to a free mobile application for the park and ride locations.

Drivers are encouraged to plan extra time and reduce speed as the storm passes through our area. Stay behind snow plow and plow trains as the untreated road is ahead of them, and the plowed/treated are behind them. Please follow this advice: “Don’t Crowd the Plow.”

SHA maintains the State numbered, non-tolled roads in Maryland. For a listing of which jurisdiction maintains a specific road, visit the SHA Know Your Road web page.

Travelers may obtain the latest free traffic and weather information by calling 5-1-1 from a landline or a hands-free mobile device or logging onto Maryland’s 511 service now offers free text and email alerts for most frequented routes through 511Direct – simply register and set your routes and preferences on-line.

Leggett on Next Round of Snow: "Montgomery County is Well Prepared for It" (VIDEO)


In this MyMCMedia Extra video, Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett talks about forecasted winter weather and the County’s preparation. Related:

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More Snow Days Mean Longer School Year for MCPS Students

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It’s too early to know if the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) district will be impacted by tomorrow’s wintry forecast. “We will make a decision by 5 a.m. tomorrow,” said Derek Turner, MCPS spokesperson, when asked Monday morning if any decisions have been made to date. According to Turner, the decision to delay or close […]

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UPDATED: Winter Storm Warning Issued for Portions of Montgomery County

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UPDATED 2 p.m. The National Weather Service (NWS) has issued a Winter Weather Warning for northwest Montgomery County for tonight thru tomorrow afternoon. This area includes Damascus, Germantown and Poolesville, and residents in the northwest part of the county may see between four and eight inches of snow by tomorrow, according to the NWS. A […]

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National Weather Service Indicates It May Snow Monday and Tuesday

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Don’t put away your shovel yet! The National Weather Service indicates it may sleet and snow on Monday and Tuesday. According to the latest information, it’s a tricky forecast and the exact timing and locations are uncertain. As of now, looking at precipitation start time somewhere between about 4-8p on Monday. Rain/mix at beginning: […]

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