Senior Planet Montgomery Offering New Classes This Week

Senior Planet Montgomery is offering classes on streaming, Smart TVs, how to initiate a Zoom meeting, podcasts, and more on July 13 through 17.

The technology training program for those 60 and older offers free classes live over video conference. According to a press release, two classes this week, Internet of Things and Home Internet Acces, will be offered in Spanish.

The class schedule changes every week and all that is required to participate is an internet connection and a device. Classes offered this week include: Food Delivery Apps, Protecting Personal Information Online, and Person2Person Payment Services. The full list of classes and times is listed in Montgomery County’s press release.

The press release states that during the spring quarter more than 4,700 county residents participated in the 124 virtual classes offered. Participants can join the classes through a zoom link posted on Senior Planet Montgomery’s website.

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Isabel Cleary

About Isabel Cleary

Isabel Cleary was a rising senior at the University of Maryland, majoring in Broadcast Journalism and International Relations. She was a summer 2020 intern at Montgomery Community Media. Follow her on twitter @IsabelCleary


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