Safe Silver Spring Chair Tony Hausner is Stepping Down (VIDEO)
Tony Hausner, chair of Safe Silver Spring, is stepping down after serving for roughly eight years.
Safe Silver Spring was created in 2009 as a partnership with residents and community leaders to develop strategies in keeping Silver Spring a safe community for people to live, work, travel, shop and play in.
At a recent legislative forum, MyMCMedia talked with Hausner about his future plans:
Why are you stepping down?
“I have spent almost 40 years involved as a community activist in Montgomery County. Thus both professionally and community wise, I have provided services for others. I felt after all these years serving others, it was time to focus on doing fun things for myself.”
What are your plans after stepping down as chair?
“I will continue for the rest of the year in volunteer leadership positions both nationally and locally for the American Association of Individual Investors. I plan to spend more time writing a family history, more recreational activities, travel, and time with family and friends.”
Lastly, has the application process started for those interested in the open position? If so, where can those interested find the requirements?
“If anyone is interested, they can contact myself or Woody Brosnan, our Vice-Chair/Vice President. woodybrosnan@verizon.net.
“It is an unpaid position, and we are not planning at this time on conducting a formal application process. We are looking for volunteers and several persons have already indicated interest in helping to continue the organization. We plan to meet in a few weeks to discuss next steps.”
In this MyMCMedia Extra Video, Hausner discusses some of Safe Silver Spring’s accomplishments over the last nine years:
For more information about Safe Silver Spring’s accomplishments or my activities over the past 40 years, please contact me. thausner at gmail