Radio One Salutes Veterans of Color at the AFI
About 250 veterans to include the famed Tuskegee Airmen joined a special screening of the documentary “Veterans of Color” at the American Film Institute Theatre in Silver Spring on August 21.
The documentary is part of an initiative introduced by Congress in 2000. It established a veterans project to preserve the stories of American war veterans and understand the reality of war.
To make sure the voices of African American veterans are represented, The Association for the Study of African American Life and History partnered with The Veterans History Project.
More video and photos to come on this story.
Very nice report Tamika! After seeing the trailer I really want to see the entire documentary, not just for the high quality imagery and sound, but more so for the subject matter, as my late father in law was also African American veteran from the Korean war era.
Great story and very important. Will there be another showing or do they have plans to show it on Netflix? Thanks Tamilka
Thanks Robert and Ellen! When I asked that question, I was told to look for the film’s availability at the National Archives in DC.
Great job, Tamika. Would like to add that I’m in post-production with my own WWII documentary, and I hope that you’ll cover us, too!
Make sure you let Tamika and MCM know in advance when the screening/showing will be of your production Faith. I am actually looking forward to learning more about your documentary.