Proposed Changes to Subdivision Regulations Set for Discussion on Jan. 21

M-NCPPC sign pictureThe Montgomery County Planning Department invites community members and developers to discuss the initial draft of the newly revised Subdivision Regulations at a meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 21 from 7-9 p.m. at the Planning Department Headquarters (8787 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring).

The proposed changes to Chapter 50 of the current Montgomery County Code which governs the subdivision of land in the county were released to the public in December 2014.

View the draft of the Subdivision Regulations Amendment.

This draft represents the most comprehensive rewrite of the Subdivision Regulations in 50 years and was undertaken at the direction of the Montgomery County Council. It responds to the county’s newly released Zoning Ordinance and seeks to clarify and streamline the review and approvals process for new subdivisions.

The Subdivision Regulations include the application requirements for subdividing property, as well as requirements for adequate public facilities and improvements to lots based on the impact of subdivision.

Highlights of the rewrite include:
-A more organized, user-friendly document.
-A simplified process for the review of certain types of subdivision plans that do not have to be presented to the Planning Board.
-Review times for subdivision applications that conform to the Zoning Ordinance time frame of 120 days.
-A 90-day time limit for the review of a record plat application.

These key changes will be discussed at the January 21 meeting and additional feedback from the public will be solicited throughout the comment period. In April, the draft of the Subdivision Regulations will be presented to the Planning Board, followed by a public hearing and work sessions on further revisions. In May, the regulations will be submitted to the Montgomery County Council and additional public hearings and work sessions will be scheduled as needed before the Council votes on the new document.

Give feedback on the draft of the Subdivision Regulations Amendment. Email at:

Learn more about the Subdivision Regulations Rewrite on the Planning Department website.

For questions or more information, contact Cathy Conlon, Supervisor of Development Applications and Regulatory Coordination (DARC)

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