photo of Dr. Alan Goodwin, principal Walt Whitman High School

Principal Alan Goodwin at #BringBackOurGirls Vigil

In this MyMCMedia extra, Walt Whitman High Principal Alan Goodwin addresses the crowd gathered at the Bring Back Our Girls candlelight vigil:


Principal Alan Goodwin at #BringBackOurGirls Vigil

photo of Dr. Alan Goodwin, principal Walt Whitman High School

In this MyMCMedia extra, Walt Whitman High Principal Alan Goodwin addresses the crowd gathered at the Bring Back Our Girls candlelight vigil: Related:

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Talia Brenner: "Your Children Are Not Forgotten" (VIDEO)

photo of Walt Whitman student Talia Brenner

Walt Whitman junior Talia Brenner reads an open letter to the families of the Nigerian 300 at a recent student organized vigil: Related:

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#BringBackOurGirls Vigil (PHOTOS & VIDEO)


UPDATED Dozens of community members turned out for a candlelight vigil at Walt Whitman High School on May 13 to show support for the school girls who were abducted by terrorists in Nigeria. Principal Alan Goodwin said the goal of the Nigerian 300 vigil was to highlight the community’s support for the missing girls and […]

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Sonya Burke

About Sonya Burke

Sonya Burke is the Multimedia Manager at Montgomery Community Media (MCM). You can email story ideas at or reach her on Twitter @SonyaNBurke.


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