Police Warn Residents About Speed Camera Scam Emails (VIDEO)
Montgomery County police officers are warning residents about a possible speed camera violation email scam.
According to a Facebook post, the department received reports from law enforcement agencies in California and Pennsylvania about a scam involving fraudulent automated speed camera violation emails.
For more, watch the County Report This Week video, below.
Police say that the automated email citations include a link, which loads malware/viruses to the user’s computer.
In the post, police state that the department does not send automated emails for speed camera violations. Violations are sent through U.S. mail. Police say that the department has not received reports from County residents about fraudulent emails, but ask that residents verify any communications sent by the department by calling the Public Information Office at 240.773.5030.
You can view the police department’s scam alert in it’s entirety below.
Speed Camera Violation Email Scam:The Police Department has received reports from law enforcement agencies in…
Posted by Montgomery County Police Department on Friday, April 1, 2016
Montgomery County is operating on an important principle: “Don’t steal, the government hates competition.”
The county’s speed and red light cameras are engineered as Reverse ATMs that rob money mostly from safe drivers’ wallets and feed it to the machines run by the county as for-profit business enterprises using deliberately mis-engineered speed limits and traffic lights to increase the predatory ticket counts. The county does not want other groups getting in on the scams.
James C. Walker, Life Member – National Motorists Association, frequent visitor to the county
An Ohio judge once said speed cameras themselves are 3-card monty. So we have low speed limits, tickets barely above them, and cameras that make a ton of errors.
People who have received speed camera tickets might feel their normal usage is unethical.