Police Recover Drugs, Gun from Silver Spring Man During Traffic Stop

Vision Lewis (Photo | MCPD)

Silver Spring District police officers arrested a Silver Spring man for offenses involving firearms as well as drug possession and distribution.

Police have identified the man as 27-year-old Vision Lewis, who lives on Lockwood Drive in Silver Spring.

The incident occurred on Aug. 16 at 6 p.m. during a traffic stop in the White Oak area, police say. An officer in the area observed what he believed was a drug transaction between a person on foot and another man in a vehicle.

When the officer approached the vehicle—an SUV—for a traffic stop, he identified the driver as Lewis. Police say that a trained K9 scanned the SUV and detected the presence of controlled dangerous substances. With the K9’s indication, officers then scanned the vehicle and found cocaine, possible marijuana, currency, and a handgun.

Police say, due to prior criminal convictions, Lewis is prohibited from possessing a firearm.

Court records show Lewis has been charged with 10 offenses, which include: firearm and drug trafficking crime offenses; controlled dangerous substances offenses; and for possessing a firearm after already having a felony involving a violent crime.

Lewis was transferred to the Central Processing Unit, where he’s being held without bond.

  • Handgun recovered from Vision Lewis's SUV (Photo | MCPD).

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    Deirdre Byrne

    About Deirdre Byrne

    Deirdre Byrne is a social media coordinator for Montgomery Community Media. She can be reached at dbyrne@mymcmedia.org or on twitter at @DeirdreByrneMCM.


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