Northwest Jaguars Expect Big Crowds at Seneca Valley and QO Football Games (VIDEO)
School starts on Aug. 31 and football games begin right after that. In this MyMCMedia Extra video, the athletic director of Northwest Jags, last year’s state champions, talks about two of the season’s upcoming big football games. Take a look:
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GHS Athletic Director Previews Some of the Season's Big Games (VIDEO)

The fall sports season is upon us. In this MyMCMedia Extra, Jason Woodward, athletic director at Gaithersburg High School, previews some of the big games this fall. Take a look: Related articles:
Northwest Jaguars Expect Big Crowds at Seneca Valley and QO Football Games (VIDEO)

School starts on Aug. 31 and football games begin right after that. In this MyMCMedia Extra video, the athletic director of Northwest Jags, last year’s state champions, talks about two of the season’s upcoming big football games. Take a look: Related articles:
Northwest High Emphasizes Sportsmanship (VIDEO)

Northwest High is known for winning state championships but did you know the Jags are also known for their good sportsmanship? This week, Northwest High School brought home Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) third place overall sportsmanship award. The honor includes a cash prize for the sports department. In this MyMCMedia Extra video, Athletic Director […]
Gaithersburg High Wins 2nd Place Overall Sportsmanship Award (VIDEO)

At a meeting of athletic directors this week, the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) awards for overall sportsmanship were handed out. Gaithersburg High brought home second place and that includes $1,000 for the athletic program. In this MyMCMedia Extra video, Athletic Director Jason Woodward says his school takes sportsmanship very seriously. The first place award […]
Northwest High Focuses on Season Ahead, One Game at a Time (VIDEO)

The Northwest Jaguars are the reigning Maryland 4A state champions in football. In this MyMCMedia Extra video, NWHS Athletic Director Anne Rossiter talks about the season ahead. Take a look. Related articles:
Teaching and Embracing Sportsmanship at Clarksburg High (VIDEO)

In this MyMCMedia extra, Clarksburg Athletics Director Ed Dalton said sportsmanship is a message that schools officials drive home continuously and, he says, the community has embraced it. Find out more in this MyMCMedia Extra: On Aug. 19, the Clarksburg Coyotes received the MCPS 2014-2015 overall Sportsmanship Award. The honor comes with a $2,000 cash […]
Ed Dalton Reacts to Clarksburg's Sportsmanship Award (VIDEO)

In this MyMCMedia Extra video, Clarksburg’s athletic director, Ed Dalton, says winning the overall Sportsmanship Award is huge. Take a look: The award was presented to Clarksburg on Aug. 19 at a meeting of athletic directors. Gaithersburg High placed second and Northwest High was third. Related articles:
MCPS Staffs Athletic Trainers at All High Schools (VIDEO)

Although school doesn’t start until Aug. 31, fall tryouts and practices are underway at area high schools. This year, the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) officials have announced the full implementation of the certified athletic trainer (ATC) program at all 25 high schools. In this MyMCMedia Extra, MCPS Athletics Specialist Jeff Sullivan tells us why […]
Clarksburg High Wins Overall Sportsmanship Award (PHOTOS & VIDEO)

The Clarksburg Coyotes are the winners of the 2014-2015 overall Sportsmanship Award. This prestigious award, which includes $2,000 for the school’s athletics program, was presented on Wednesday morning at a meeting of Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) athletic directors in Rockville. Gaithersburg High School and Northwest High School placed second and third, respectively. Find out […]
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