NIH Children’s Inn Receives a Visit from Santa and His Police Escort
Accompanied by Montgomery County motor officers, Santa Claus brought a little more cheer to the Children’s Inn at the National Institute of Health on Wednesday.
The visit was part of the Montgomery County Police Department’s annual Santa Ride. You may have spotted old St. Nick and a dozen officers riding their motorcycles south on Route 355 to bring gifts and donations from a variety of local businesses and organizations to the children and families at The Children’s Inn at NIH.
Usually, while there, the people would enjoy fun festive activities and gift shopping, but this year’s festivities had to look a little different.
To stay socially distanced, Santa Claus greeted the children from the back of a police truck and shared some encouraging words for this very different holiday season.
Yesterday, Santa & his elves (aka: motor officers) made their way south on Rt 355 into Rockville to @TheChildrensInn located in Bethesda.
Thank you to The Children’s Inn for another great Santa Ride!
For add'l details, visit: https://t.co/GDV7qpcwN1#MCPSantaRide pic.twitter.com/Oe4sdX8Et2
— Montgomery County Department of Police (@mcpnews) December 10, 2020
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