Montgomery Village Grafitti Wall Awaits Your Feedback at Gaithersburg Library
The Montgomery County Planning Department is inviting anyone with an interest in the future of Montgomery Village to participate in the Graffiti Wall exhibition at the Gaithersburg Library. The poster-board “wall” is up from now until November 17 at the library.
The idea of the graffiti wall is to provide a place and an opportunity for residents to jot down their thoughts and comments, and even add a drawing or two about what is unique about Montgomery Village and what residents would like to see in the Village in the future. Specifically, planning staff is looking for suggestions and solutions to this question: “what is next for Montgomery Village and how to get there?”
Information collected at the wall will be used to continue the dialogue during the next round of community forums, starting on December 8 at 7 p.m. at Watkins Mill High School.
You can find out more here.
I love this idea!!