Montgomery Parks Working to Improve Safety on Trails During Inclement Weather

Officials from Montgomery Parks have announced they are piloting a new program that aims to improve the safety of residents on wood bridges and boardwalks during inclement weather.

Wood bridges and boardwalks can become slippery following periods of rain or snow that could create hazardous condition for trail users. Montgomery Parks’ staff announced that are applying a slip resistant coating, DeckCorrect, to increase traction on the surfaces.

If the pilot is successful, the coating may be applied to bridges and boardwalks throughout Montgomery Park’ system on more than 100,000 square feet of surfaces.

“We needed an anti-slip solution that could keep all types of trail users safe, that would remain in place for a long time, and most importantly, could be applied in environmentally-sensitive areas,” Jim Poore, facilities management division chief said in a statement.  “We are thrilled to report that user feedback has been positive.”

Parks staff began applying the coating to the dozens of bridges and boardwalks along the heavily-used Sligo Creek Trail this past August.

The coating is expected to withstand heavy use for five to seven years.

Staff will monitor how well the coating withstands this winter’s conditions, and if all goes well, will apply the coating to additional trails in 2019.

Applications are weather-dependent but performed in stages that allow for most trails to remain open during the treatment.

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