Montgomery County Police Urge Residents to Stay Home and Avoid Travel

mc police car for slider 450x280The snow has begun to fall and Montgomery County Police Officers and Fire and Rescue personnel are now responding to collisions because of the wintry conditions.

Police are also urging residents to stay off the roads and avoid travel unless absolutely necessary.

Police also provided the following safety tips for those who may be driving in these wintry conditions:

–If you plan to travel, slow down, leave plenty of room for stopping, and break early.
–Travel on main roads whenever possible and leave early, allowing yourself time for slower travel in adverse conditions.
–Turn on your headlights! You want to see and be seen on the roadway!
–Clean your car of all snow before driving. Make sure that you have cleared snow from your vehicle lights so that you can be seen on the road.
–Keep a windshield scraper and small broom in your car for ice and snow removal during your trip.
–Make sure that your vehicle(s) has been winterized. Check that your vehicle has adequate antifreeze and windshield wiper fluid. Make sure that the wipers, lights, and flashing hazard lights all work.Make sure that the tires have adequate tread and are properly inflated. Keeping your vehicle in good condition will decrease your chance of being stranded in cold weather
–Keep your car’s gas tank full to keep the fuel line from freezing.
–If you have a cell phone, keep the battery charged and keep it with you whenever traveling in winter weather. If you should become stranded or have an emergency, you will be able to call for help, advising first responders of your location.

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