Montgomery College Class of 2018 to Graduate Friday Morning

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Nearly 3000 students will walk at the Montgomery College graduation ceremony Friday morning on the Rockville campus athletic field.  

Ninety-seven percent of those projected graduates will receive their Associate’s Degree, and seven percent will receive Certificates.  

Students who graduated last summer, last fall, and this spring will celebrate their graduation tomorrow. Ten percent of graduates began their degrees over ten years ago, and one student graduating tomorrow started at MC in 1964. 

“It’s a testament to the diversity of the educational process at the college,” college spokesman Marcus Rosano said.  

Almost half of tomorrow’s graduates are international students, representing over 115 countries, including Ethiopia, Cameroon, El Salvador, Vietnam, and China. 

Over seventy percent of graduates are students of color and fifty-four percent are female, Rosano said.   

The top seven degrees students will receive tomorrow are in General Studies, Business Administration, the sciences, Nursing, Computer Science, Engineering, and Teacher Education.  

Honorary degrees will be awarded to Dr. Kazem Kazempour, Amarex Clinical Research President and CEO; Mr. Diego Uriburu, Identity Inc. Co-Founder and Executive Director; and Ms. Erica Webber, Bank of America Private Wealth Management Senior Vice President and Senior Trust Officer.  All three are community leaders and College benefactors.

The 2018 valedictorians are Apprenticeship Scholar Kevin Lowman, Glen Swanson from the Germantown campus, Avanti Charlotte Kolluri from the Rockville campus, and Kim Nguyen from the Takoma Park/Silver Spring campus. 

Valedictorian Glen Swanson struggled through poverty with his single father before enlisting in the US Army, where he won several awards, then returning to MC.  

Noted speaker Imam Yahya M. Hendi, Chaplain and Director for Muslim Life at Georgetown University, will make the Keynote Address at the ceremony. Founder and President of Clergy beyond Borders, the Imam is a distinguished winner of many awards for his work to promote peace.

A reception will follow the graduation ceremony in Lot #3, adjacent to the commencement tent. 

Those who cannot attend may view a live steam of the ceremony on Cable TV in Montgomery County, on Comcast Channels 998 and 10, RCN Channels 1058 and 10, or Verizon Channel 10. 

The ceremony may also be viewed live on the web at , on Facebook at , or on YouTube at 

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About Marisa Fried

Marisa Fried graduated with an Associate's Degree in Communications from Montgomery College in May 2018. She is excited to have her first reporting job at Montgomery Community Media.


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