MoCo Spring Sports Champions
It’s June 1st and all the state high school championship rounds for spring sports are complete. Montgomery County reigned supreme in Girls 4A Softball with Sherwood continuing their unbeaten streak to over 100 plus games. Sherwood picked up their 5th title in a row dating back to 2012. The Northwest 4A Boys Track team picked up a championship this year, its their second dating back to 2013. In Tennis Boys Doubles, Whitman’s Jack Welch and Andrew Leung defeated Churchill’s Bennett and Andrew Yang to claim a state championship. Whitman also claimed a Girls Doubles Championship with Carina Greenberg and Sarinah Wahl. In Boys Tennis Singles it was Joseph Brailovsky from Wootton and in Girls, also from Wootton it was Miranda Deng winning the state championships. In Mixed Doubles Ethan Kowalski and Jessica Fatemi of Walter Johnson won the state championship.
It could have been even more whereas Quince Orchard made it to the state finals in College Park but fell short of the Boys 4A Baseball championship losing to Bel Air in the late innings.
Overall MoCo schools had plenty to cheer about, as there were a number of Regional Champions this spring. Here is a rundown of those Regional Champions and State Champions by sport and classification.
3A – Damascus – West Region
4A – Quince Orchard – West Region and State Finalist
Boys Lacrosse
4A – Churchill – West Region
Girls Lacrosse
4A – Churchill – West Region
Girls Softball
4A – Montgomery Blair – West Region
4A – Sherwood – North Region and State Champion
Tennis Boys Doubles
Whitman – Welch and Leung – State Champions
Tennis Boys Singles
Wootton – Brailovsky – State Champion
Tennis Girls Doubles
Whitman – Greenberg and Wahl – State Champions
Tennis Girls Singles
Wootton – Deng, State Champion
Tennis Mixed Doubles
Walter Johnson – Kowalski / Fatemi – State Champions
Women 4A – Clarksburg – West Region
Men 4A – Northwest – West Region and State Champion
The regional championships and playoffs happen all over the state and Gaithersburg and Montgomery Blair were host to the playoffs in Lacrosse and Girls Softball, respectively. Thanks to each athletic department for stepping up to the task to make these events enjoyable.
Finally, although I wish could have been there at most events to cover them sadly I wasn’t able to do so. I did however catch some early play and will include some of the highlight images for you to enjoy. Should any administrator, athletic department, parent or friend of any of these champions be willing to share their image feel free to contact me at phil@photoloaf.com and I will post their championship picture to this blog.
Thanks all and enjoy the summer.
Phil Fabrizio
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