MedImmune is First Biotech Facility to Earn Superior Energy Certification

medimmune2MedImmune, the global biologics research and development arm of AstraZeneca, today announced it has received certification under the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Superior Energy Performance™ (SEP) program as a result of significant improvements the company has made to its overall energy performance at the Gaithersburg headquarters facility.

MedImmune is the first biotechnology company in the United States – and the first company in the state of Maryland – to earn this status. The SEP program provides certified companies a roadmap including guidance, tools, and protocols, for achieving continual improvement in energy performance while maintaining competitiveness.

As part of the SEP certification process, MedImmune also obtained its first certification to International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 50001 standard for energy management systems. The ISO 50001 standard specifies requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and improving an energy management system.

In addition to meeting ISO 50001, the SEP program further requires a measured and independently audited energy performance improvement of at least five percent in three years. To meet that goal and qualify for the ISO 50001 standard, MedImmune implemented a robust energy management and environmental program, completed an energy planning process and made a commitment to continual improvement of its energy performance at the Gaithersburg headquarters building. As a result, MedImmune improved energy performance by 8.54 percent in three years; those results were independently confirmed by Advanced Waste Management Services, an accredited SEP Verification Body. Cost savings from reduced energy use and more efficient maintenance/operations at the Gaithersburg headquarters exceed $1 million per year.

“This achievement is the result of a collaborative effort of many MedImmune team members who seek to make a positive impact on our community through improved energy efficiencies in our work place, as well as support from the Department of Energy,” said Matt Bell, chief operating officer, MedImmune. “Participating in The Superior Energy Performance program helped us achieve substantial energy and cost savings, as well as create the infrastructure needed to preserve and expand those savings going forward. Ongoing energy management is key to upholding our goal of continuously increasing the energy efficiency of our sites.”

MedImmune, along with eight other AstraZeneca buildings on the Gaithersburg campus, have also recently received certification from the Montgomery County Green Business Certification Program. The program recognizes regional organizations that have taken steps to preserve and improve the environment, and who have demonstrated a commitment to environmental stewardship.

“Facilities certified in SEP are our country’s frontrunners in energy management and efficiency improvement,” said Mark Johnson, DOE’s Advanced Manufacturing Office Director]. “We applaud MedImmune’s commitment to long-term energy conservation and their leadership in improving energy efficiency in the manufacturing industry.”

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Sonya Burke

About Sonya Burke

Sonya Burke is the Multimedia Manager at Montgomery Community Media (MCM). You can email story ideas at or reach her on Twitter @SonyaNBurke.


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