MCM Winter 2021 Media Course Catalog
Montgomery Community Media is rolling out a full winter schedule of multimedia classes for students ages 13 and up.
The MCM Youth Media Academy is a program offered by Montgomery Community Media that is designed to engage youth in quality media instruction tailored to their age group. Youth ages 13-17 will learn the fundamentals of mediamaking as they work on MCM youth-hosted cable TV show, ArtsEnPower. This 8-week program starting on February 9 meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 3 pm – 5 pm. Apply now to participate.
MCM Adult & Mixed-Ages Media Classes are interactive courses intended to help students build media skills and help MCM members prepare to create digital content for broadcast on the internet and on cable stations 19 and 21. Classes are taught by industry professionals and have limited capacity
Registrants are encouraged to register early for courses to ensure they will be offered. We may cancel classes with an enrollment of fewer than four people.
Visit MCM Eventbrite for More Information & Class Registration
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