Man Killed Crossing Rockville Pike was Special Olympics Athlete

Photo courtesy of Sagel Bloomfield Danzansky Goldberg Funeral Care, Inc.
Brett Badin, who was fatally struck by a vehicle on Rockville Pike on the night of Jan. 16, was a Special Olympics Montgomery County (SOMO) athlete.
The Montgomery County Police Department (MCPD) said the Rockville man was struck while trying to cross Rockville Pike near Wootton Parkway.
Badin, 32, was a long-time bowling athlete, according to SOMO. Funeral and burial services were held on Jan. 20.
2014 Honda Accord driver Kathatorn Nonceeya, 61, of Rockville, struck Badin.
Badin was the second pedestrian killed on Rockville Pike in the two-day period of Jan. 15 and 16. Gaithersburg man Michael Louis Gamboa, 40, was killed the night of Jan. 15 while crossing the Pike.
28-year-old Rockville man Adam Moche Aseraph struck Gamboa. He drove a 2011 Nissan Sentra.
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Second Pedestrian Killed on Rockville Pike in Two Day Period
If the driver didn’t kill him on purpose but by accident, why punishing her by publishing her name n age? I am sure she’s not having a fun time. Do you want to humiliate her publicly for the accident she may not be punished for as a crime?
Obviously it was an accident, I hope. But this man was special needs. People do not understand that ” lifestyle”. The developmentally disabled don’t have the “luxuries ” that typical people have. It takes them longer to move, process information, live life, and cross the street. Should her name be dragged through the mudd? No. If this was an accident there are still lessons to be learned. People are quick to defend her but not the individual who is trying to be independent, lives in a group home, and takes joy in the little things that he can do. This hits home hard. I’m not here to fight just turn the table.