Hispanic Connection with Cely Argueta View All Posts

photo Cely Argueta

About Hispanic Connection with Cely Argueta

This blog seeks to share events and information about the Hispanic community in Montgomery County, with a special focus on the growing Hispanic small business community. If there is an activity or event that you would like to share with the Hispanic community, please contact us and we would love... Read more

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Make a Difference for a High School Student

As business owners and professionals, there is a real opportunity for you to motivate, guide and mentor a young person so that he/she can be on the path to a career beyond their high school years.

Young people can and do make great contributions to our families and to the community that saw them grown and nurtured them. We can all contribute to the growth and development of our youth by supported a professional after-school program such as the Partnership Youth Initiative.

The-Partnership-Youth-Initiative-Structure-Flyer-11[1]The Partnership Youth Initiative (PYI) is a program developed by the Hispanic Business Foundation of Maryland (HBF) in cooperation with the Montgomery County Department of Recreation, designed to engage and promote the personal and professional development of Montgomery County youth. The purpose of the program is to engage youth, who may not otherwise have the option of pursuing a professional career, particularly a path to college.  PYI places hardworking, dedicated students with mentors found in the business community. Many of these youth come from very humble homes; many of them are having to help support themselves and their families, and therefore can value such an opportunity being provided through PYI.

I was able to take part in this program as a mentor, and I can sincerely say that it was a rewarding experience. The student that was placed with us was very bright and self-driven, responsible and eager to learn.  I could see in her eyes, her desire to one day, be in a position to be her own boss and have her own accounting practice. PYI gave her an opportunity to interact in a professional atmosphere, attend meetings, and interact with senior staff and at the same time, develop a greater sense of responsibility to ensure she completed high school and got ready for college.

PYI lasts 12 weeks, and requires 3 hours maximum per day commitment from the student and mentor.  Depending on the students’ schedule, you can tailor the hours; however typical hours are from 3-6 p.m. Placements of students are in Montgomery County.  The business contributes part of a stipend which is tax deductible.

You can learn more about PYI by contacting Carmen Rojas, Business Outreach at 240.630.8072 or at crojas@hbfmd.org     

Let’s make a difference!  If you decide to be part of this program, send me your experiences and share with our community.

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Cely Argueta

About Cely Argueta

Cely Argueta grew up in Wheaton, MD and has worked for the last 10 years in Montgomery County as a government consultant for local Federal contractors. Her background is in program management, focusing primarily in cultural communication and Hispanic health community outreach programs. Additionally, Cely Argueta works closely with the Hispanic business community to stay informed regarding events that support small business and local and state government procurement opportunities. Cely Argueta likes to spend time with her family and is involved in her local church, Ministerios Vision Eterna, based in Gaithersburg, MD.


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