Hispanic Connection with Cely Argueta

This blog seeks to share events and information about the Hispanic community in Montgomery County, with a special focus on the growing Hispanic small business community. If there is an activity or event that you would like to share with the Hispanic community, please contact us and we would love to share your information. Email us at CelyArgueta@hotmail.com.

Cely Argueta grew up in Wheaton and has worked for the last ten years in Montgomery County as a government consultant for local Federal contractors. Her background is in program management, focusing primarily in cultural communication and Hispanic health community outreach programs. Additionally, Cely Argueta works closely with the Hispanic business community to stay informed regarding events that support small business and local and state government procurement opportunities. Cely Argueta likes to spend time with her family and is involved in her local church, Ministerios Vision Eterna, based in Gaithersburg.

Conexión Hispana con Cely Argueta
Este blog busca compartir información sobre la comunidad Hispana en Montgomery County, con un enfoque especial en la comunidad Hispana empresarial. Si usted sabe de algun evento que seria de beneficio compartir con la comunidad, por favor compartelo y nos encantaría compartirlo. Escribanos a CelyArgueta@hotmail.com.

Cely Argueta creció en el area de Wheaton, y los últimos diez años ha trabajado como consultora para el gobierno Federal a travez de compañias consultoras en esta area. Su experiencia se ha enfocado en administración de programas, programas de enlace a la comunidad y salud pública. Tambien, Cely Argueta trabaja con la comunidad de negocios para informar acerca de oportunidades de contratación al nivel local y del estado. Cely Argueta disfruta compartir tiempo con su familia y es activa en su iglesia, Ministerios Vision Eterna, localizada en Gaithersburg.

Partner Blog for Hispanic Connection with Cely Argueta

Celebrating the Hispanic Entepreneur IX Seminar (Video)


On Saturday, May 31 Montgomery College in collaboration with the Hispanic Business Center at the Capital SBTDC – Hispanic Business Center held its IX Seminar: Celebrating the Hispanic Entrepreneur. The Hispanic Business community is thriving in Montgomery County. New aspiring entrepreneurs and more established businesses can take advantage of resources such as this seminar. Council […]

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Make a Difference for a High School Student


As business owners and professionals, there is a real opportunity for you to motivate, guide and mentor a young person so that he/she can be on the path to a career beyond their high school years. Young people can and do make great contributions to our families and to the community that saw them grown […]

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Supporting the Latino Entrepreneur

Hispanic Summit

On Monday, Feb. 10 the Latino Leadership Conference of Montgomery County (Conferencia del Liderazgo Latino) was held at Montgomery Community Media. This all-day meeting was not only timely, but also inspiring, motivational and full of wisdom and insight from local Latino business, education and political leaders. The morning panel focused on the key questions that […]

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Maryland Hispanic Business Legislative Priorities Event

Mario Acosta-Velez
Photo | Cely Argueta

On Feb. 6  the Maryland Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (MDHCC) held  its 2014 Legislative Reception at the Maryland House of Delegates in Annapolis.  In attendance were small business owners, legislative leaders and members of MDHCC.  In this video, Mario Acosta-Velez, director of state government affairs for Verizon, shares with us why supporting events such as […]

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Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Montgomery County (Video)

Raul Medrano

Did you know that the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Montgomery County helps local area businesses stay connected through a series of educational workshops, networking events and small business forums tailored to Montgomery County small business entrepreneurs? We spoke with Raul Medrano, board member of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in Montgomery County about the wealth […]

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Celebrating the Hispanic Entrepreneur (Video)

photo Cely Argueta

This past Saturday, May 18, the Hispanic Institute on Small Business and Training, part of Montgomery College’s Workforce Development & Continuing Education program, held its 7th Annual Seminar Celebrating the Hispanic Entrepreneur. In attendance were over 60 participants, some that included inspiring entrepreneurs and others looking to gain information on government certifications and how to […]

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