Leggett Recognizes Local Program’s Initiative in Helping Students

Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett joined leaders from Linkages to Learning during a ceremony Tuesday to celebrate the organization’s 25 years of working with the community and to recognize its volunteers, donors, and staff.

Linkages to Learning is a comprehensive school-based prevention and intervention initiative that works in partnership with Montgomery County Pubic Schools, the Department of Health and Human Services, and other community agencies.

The program assists both students and their families by connecting them to resources that address the social, economic, health, and emotional issues that could interfere with students’ academic success.

Three awards were presented at the ceremony including: The Sandy Boynton Memorial Award for Staff Innovation; 2018 Linkages to Learning Michael L. Subin Scholarship; and Volunteers of the Year.

The winners are as follow:

Ana Schmitz, community school coordinator at Summit Hall Elementary School, won the The Sandy Boyton Memorial Award for Staff Innovation

Ronaldjohn Devanadera, a senior at Rockville High School, received the 2018 Linkages to Learning Michael L. Subin Scholarship.

The ceremony honored “Volunteers of the Year” from 16 Linkages to Learning schools and donors Aspen Hill Cooperative Nursery School, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, B.F. Saul Company & Affiliates, Community Insurance Services, Gaithersburg Presbyterian Church and Millian Memorial United Methodist Church.

In addition to the awards, organizers announced the establishment of the Linkages to Learning Ike Leggett Award for Advocacy. Beginning next year, this award will be presented to individuals or groups that demonstrate advocacy of Linkages to Learning’s mission to support student learning, strong families and healthy communities.

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