Leggett on Montgomery College President: “Worth Every Penny She is Making”

Dr DeRionne Pollard

Dr. DeRionne Pollard

Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett answered some questions about life in Montgomery County during a virtual town hall meeting on Dec. 20, and one of the questions he responded to was about Dr. DeRionne Pollard, the president of Montgomery College.

During the online question and answer session, Paul from Rockville asked when Leggett would “investigate the extravagant spending of the Montgomery College President?”

Leggett responded that Dr. Pollard’s compensation and expenses are overseen by the College’s Board of Trustees (BOT), not by county government. The county executive also said that it was his understanding that the BOT has approved the spending in question.

“I believe that Dr. Pollard has done an excellent job as Montgomery College president and is worth every penny she is making. Having said that, any concerns about issues raised by the news media are the province of the College’s Board of Trustees. The County does approve the College’s overall budget each year,” Leggett said. “I’m certain that my Office of Management and Budget, as well as the County Council, will take a close look at all College spending to be sure it is appropriate as we craft next year’s budget.”

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Sonya Burke

About Sonya Burke

Sonya Burke is the Multimedia Manager at Montgomery Community Media (MCM). You can email story ideas at sburke@mymcmedia.org or reach her on Twitter @SonyaNBurke.


2 Responses to “Leggett on Montgomery College President: “Worth Every Penny She is Making””

  1. On December 22, 2016 at 11:10 am responded with... #

    I’ll bet he does think shes doing a good job.

    Leggett is the text-book definition of failed liberalism believing they have succeeded, when they actually have failed.

    Golly! 2018 can’t come fast enough when we dump this loser.

  2. On December 26, 2016 at 1:59 pm responded with... #

    County Executive Leggett was “spot on”, as the expression goes. Dr. Pollard is an EXCEPTIONAL college president. Any expense related concerns should be addressed by the Montgomery College Board of Trustees.

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