Jawando to Introduce Legislation Declaring Racism a Public Health Emergency
Montgomery County Councilmember Will Jawando plans to introduce a resolution this week that will declare racism a public health emergency in the county.
In a tweet, he stated, “We are failing our communities of color & must act to change these systems. I hope you’ll join me in advocating for this declaration of racism as a public health emergency & the systems change that must follow. We cannot wait.”
He is taking input on the resolution draft from residents through email at Councilmember.jawando@montgomerycountymd.gov.
In the coming week, I plan to introduce a resolution declaring Racism a public health emergency in Montgomery County. Across all systems, in healthcare, education, housing, economic development, criminal justice – we see racism & lives have been lost as a direct result. #Racism
— Will Jawando (@willjawando) May 30, 2020
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