Holy Cross and Suburban Ranked in Top 250 of U.S. Hospitals
Two Montgomery County hospitals were ranked in Healthgrades’ America’s 250 Best Hospitals for 2021.
Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring made it into the top 100 ranking and Suburban Hospital in Bethesda was ranked in the top 250 for the third time.
The COVID-19 pandemic has placed increased importance on the hospitals people are treated in nationwide. The Healthgrades ranking evaluates data in the years before the medical crisis.
Eight other Maryland hospitals made the list of best hospitals nationwide: Frederick Health, Howard County General Hospital, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center, Mercy Medical Center, Peninsula Regional Medical Center, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center.
The Heathgrades’ list is not ranked, but rather organized alphabetically by state.
Healthgrades reported that those included in their ranking of America’s Best Hospitals deliver better outcomes than 95% of hospitals in the country. If all hospitals brought their patient outcome statistics to match hospitals in this list, Healthgrades said 167,235 lives could potentially have been saved.
Healthgrades compiles their data from over 45 million Medicare medical records data, from the most-recent three-year period. The pool of hospitals analyzed is nearly 4,500 across the country.
Healthgrades identifies patient’s current and past procedures, or health conditions, and determines how they can affect the outcome of a patient’s medical treatment. The outcome for each individual patient is determined using these factors.
The hospitals’ overall predicted outcome is determined by summing each of the patient’s predicted values. Then, through a statistical test, Healthgrades compares the actual outcome for each hospital with the predicted outcome.
Healthgrades assigns star ratings based on whether the hospital performed better than, the same as or worse than the predicted outcome.
The full list of Healthgrades’ list can be found here.
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