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Gandhi Brigade Story (Video)

The Gandhi Brigade is a youth voice project that was started in Silver Spring, Maryland. Inspired by the vision of Mohandas Gandhi to create local peace brigades, the project uses the media arts as a tool for connecting youth to their community and to critical issues in their world. The mission of Gandhi Brigade is to prepare the rising generation to become whole leaders in a broken world. Adults with experience working with youth or media coach teens and young adults how to use video and graphic arts to explore a variety of social justice issues.

What is Gandhi Brigade?

The organization was founded in 2005 by Richard Jaeggi. Founding members include Juanita Bailey, Joan Christopher, Beezhan Meezan, Nicci Jones, Hawa Toure, Mike Morris, Jessica Samuda, Kevin Crockettm and Dan Samels. Since its beginning the Gandhi Brigade has created dozens of social justice media pieces and is recognized in the Washington DC metropolitan area as a leader in the field of youth led social change.

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