Fine for Passing School Buses Now Permanently $500
Legislation that took effect June 1 permanently sets the fine at $500 for motorists caught passing school buses that have stopped to pick up or discharge students.
The $500 level had been in place before the legislation, but was going to run out on June 30 and revert to $250. The bill makes the $500 fine permanent.
Montgomery and at least two other counties — Prince George’s and Washington — have school buses equipped with the cameras, according to the fiscal note attached to the legislation.
According to that fiscal note, Montgomery County expects to receive about $5.8 million in fiscal 2020 and about $7 million in the years that follow.
Sen. Nancy King, a Montgomery Village Democrat, who sponsored the legislation, said the law isn’t about money.
“It’s not. If people stop for the buses, it doesn’t cost them anything — just stop for a couple of minutes to let kids get off and on a bus,” King said.
Montgomery County reported it issued nearly 38,000 tickets last year, she said.
I see many cars pass the bus at my sons stop or think they can make a right cause they’re not going straight. Can we stap snaps shots of a car passing a bus and who do we send it to?