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Lindsay Cayne

Editing, Twins, and More!

     Interning at MCM is a one-of-a-kind experience. Not many others get the chance to work with adults in a professional environment at such a young age. I am so lucky to have found this internship where I get to work with such great people who truly care about their community.  Whether I am discussing with the crew at the lunch table about which breed of dog is the best or what is the key to success, the people here are always friendly, trustworthy, and inclusive. I want to give a big thanks to all of you who have made my time here so enjoyable!

     In other news, the kids of the Backpack Journalism Academy are as upbeat and willing as ever as they venture on to edit their own stories! I took pictures of the class as Larry taught them how to edit and then went on to help the students on their editing, answering any one of their questions. However, just because I am reporting on the class does not mean I am not a part of it, for I am also creating and editing my own story! I have decided to do my story on TWINS. You may only have just met me through reading my blog last week, so you probably do not know that I have a twin sister, Hailey. Hailey and I are extremely close. We have all the same friends and share many of our interests, such as our love for acting and music. While I have played the trumpet since the fourth grade, she has played the oboe. While I am going into my sixth year of Latin, Hailey is going into her sixth year of Chinese. As you can see, Hailey and I are not too different. Also, we are never competitive with each other. But although my twin and I are very close, not all twins have as strong a relationship, which drove me to further explore twins and to discover how the relationship between a pair of male twins and a female and male twin set both differ from the relationsip between a pair of female twins like that between Hailey and me. Please be sure to look out for this video on twins which should appear on MCM’s channel 21 and on the website in the coming months.

     Thank you for reading my blog posts! Please continue to read my posts as I will go on to discuss intern life here at MCM as well as my part-time job as an ice cream server at Marble Slab Creamery in Rockville, Maryland 🙂

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About Lindsay Cayne

Lindsay Cayne is the summer intern for Training and Volunteer Services. She is a senior at Holton-Arms School in Bethesda, Maryland. She aspires to be a journalist and is working with our summer Backpack Journalism Academy.


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