Do Something New for 2013
What’s your New Year’s Resolution?
Have you even thought of one? This is the time of year that the past year is reflected on and changes for the New Year are developed. I know a lot of my friends have vowed to lose weight, get healthy, and try something new in 2013.
Trying something new, what a great idea! Why not learn how to be a producer or technician at MCM? I always say that MCM is one of the “hidden gems” of Montgomery County that needs to be discovered and I hope this is the year. Not many Montgomery County residents know that we offer classes to learn the ins and outs of television production. We have producer classes, field technician classes, studio technician classes, editing classes and so much more. If you have read my blog in the past, you know that I am huge advocate for our Backpack Journalism and Citizen Journalism classes. There are many different opportunities at MCM that you can definitely learn something new here. You can also get involved by blogging or being a part of MCM’s Neighborhood Network. Why not learn a new skill to get involved in your community or even make a difference? The possibilities are endless. If you are thinking about “learning something new” this year or starting a new hobby, think about MCM. Why not have fun while you learn?!
Our classes start on January 14 with Intro to Video Basics. Check out our classes HERE. If you would like to register for any of our classes, including the Spring Break Backpack Journalism class, call 301-424-1703 ext 351
I hope to see you around MCM soon and “Talk TV”!
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