Denizens Brewing Cofounder Named to U.S. Small Business Administration

The cofounder and chief branding officer of Denizens Brewing Co. in Silver Spring has been named Associate Administrator of Field Operations for the U.S. Small Business Administration by the Biden Administration.

Julie Verratti announced she is leaving Denizens to serve as a presidential appointee. She previously worked for the the SBA before founding Denizens Brewing Co. in 2014.

“I have always been an outspoken advocate for small businesses, and I am extremely honored and excited to be able to serve our country in the Biden-Harris Administration. This is an urgent time to work tirelessly on bold and equitable solutions for the hardworking women and men who operate the millions of small businesses that are the backbone of our economy and our communities,” she announced in a news release.

In her new position, she will be in charge of 10 regional offices across the United States and is responsible for “the direct execution of the Agency’s products and products for America’s small businesses.”

Denizens is the first production brewery in Montgomery County and recently created a beer to commemorate Gov. Larry Hogan’s quote, “Just wear the damn masks” went viral.

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Suzanne Pollak

About Suzanne Pollak

Suzanne is a freelance reporter with Montgomery Community Media. She has over 35 years professional experience writing for newspapers, magazines, non-profit newsletters and the web.


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