DV Camp Updates
The DV(digital Video) camp concept began in June when Larry, Training and Volunteer Services Mgr. and Ellen Donnelly the Trainer, decided to run a camp for youth during the summer of 2012. The idea was good, then we looked at each other and said how do we keep nine 14 year olds excited all day, every day for two full weeks. Ellen jumped right on it and came up with an idea and put it all together. The camp began Monday August 6, and anyone walking by the classroom could tell Ellen created something that was working for them.
This week the kids got introduced to some exciting ideas, and got to see videos showing the behind the scenes of making movies using green screen such as Harry Potter and Alice in Wonderland. They got to see what it looks like just in front of the green wall and then what it looks like with the graphics. They had that wide eyed look and all they could say was cool! Through out the first week they learned how to write scripts and what the elements are that go into that. They also learned about interview techniques, roll playing and even got to get pictures of themselves taken in front of a green wall and put graphics behind them.
The goal of the class is for them create and act in the skits they come up with, and to do the production planning for the show. They have 6 days left to get it all done and are really pumped with the actual hands on process of doing this. Check in each day for updates on their progress .
Hi Mr. Merewitz,
I’m writing to ask to meet with you to discuss being involved with next summer’s offerings for summer camp. I am an experienced summer camp creator & facilitator. I have over 9 years of experience creating extraordinary camps for The Smithsonian Associates, the educational arm of The Smithsonian. I’ve also done several years of local camps.
I am a trained producer there at Montgomery TV, but I need to totally be trained again to learn about the digital equipment. I’ve submitted a request to be enrolled in the Field Editor class, & plan to finish training before next summer.
Please call, text, or email me so we can set up a time to meet.
Thank You,
Kathy Kitts