Rachel Carson Elementary, ablue ribbon school, in Montgomery County , Maryland

County Says it Has No Plan to Offer GE-Tech Park as a Future School Site

Montgomery County has no plans to allow a school to be built on land it owns off of Route 28 in Gaithersburg, the county’s Deputy Director of General Services told MyMCMedia Thursday.Rachel Carson Elementary, ablue ribbon school, in Montgomery County , Maryland

The county acquired the 52-acre parcel which includes the former National Geographic building at 100 Edison Park Drive and relocated county services to the site including: the Montgomery County Police Headquarters from Research Blvd.; the Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service from the Executive Office Building; the Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security; some divisions of the Department of Transportation; and the 1st District Police Station and the Department of Liquor Control.

But, the county also pledged it would not build on the open property in front of the lake abutting Route 28.

“We have no plan to develop the front of that property. When we aquired the property we made a commitment to maintain that viewshed,” said Greg Ossont, Deputy Director of General Services.

Recently the Rachel Carson Elementary School Parent Teacher Association requested that a new school be built in the Lakelands community to relieve persistent overcrowding at the school. The Montgomery County Board of Education voted in favor of amendments to the school system’s capital improvements budget earlier this month that adds nearly $220 million to the funding plan approved by the Montgomery County Council in May. The board added a feasibility study to determine if a new elementary school could be built in the Quince Orchard cluster to relieve overcrowding there. That cluster includes but is not limited to the Lakelands area. The RCES PTA had wanted a new school be built in Lakelands and pointed to the GE/Technology Park as a possible location to built it.

Ossont did say that the county has offered a joint project with the City of Gaithersburg to allow the city to expand Lakelands Park by using the former ballfield located on the county’s property off of Main Street. Ossont said he has not heard if the city wants to do that.

The City does own about seven acres on the GE/Technology Park site that was purchased for $3.1 million in 2000, according to City Manager Tony Tomasello. Only about four acres of the property is buildable due to its grading and environmental restrictions. The city had planned to build an aquatic center on the site, but scraped that idea mostly due to the recession.

“We don’t currently have a use for it in the (capital improvements plan),” Tomasello said. He added that MCPS has not inquired about the site.



Rachel Carson PTA Suggests New Lakelands Elementary and Study to Expand RCES


Parents packed into the Rachel Carson Elementary School media room Wednesday to try to figure out what to do about the school’s persistent overcrowding issue. Tops on the list for the school’s Parent Teacher Association is having the county look into building a new school within the Lakelands community in Gaithersburg as well as taking […]

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Parents Discuss Overcrowding at Rachel Carson Elementary (PHOTOS)


The capacity of Rachel Carson Elementary School was the topic of a PTA meeting on Nov. 5 at the Gaithersburg school. Dozens of parents attended the standing-room only meeting and there were some elected leaders in the crowd, too. A PTA representative described the school as one of the most overcrowded in Montgomery County. Follow […]

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Board of Education To Talk About Superintendent Starr CIP Recommendation

Board of Education

The Montgomery County Board of Education is expected to meet on Nov. 6 at 6 p.m. to talk about Montgomery County Public Schools Superintendent Joshua P. Starr recommendation that $220.8 million be added to the district’s current six-year school construction plan in order to address significant space needs in the school system. The proposed amendments would increase […]

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Rachel Carson E.S. PTA Sets Meeting to Discuss School Capacity


The Rachel Carson Elementary School PTA has a meeting planned for Nov. 5 and top on the discussion list likely will be a recently-released proposal from Superintendent Dr. Joshua Starr that names redistricting as a possible solution to crowding issues at the Gaithersburg school. RCES PTA President Angelo Whitten told MyMCMedia Tuesday that the PTA […]

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Krista Brick

About Krista Brick

Krista Brick is a multi-media journalist with Montgomery Community Media.


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