County Executive to Host Diwali Celebration to Honor Indian Heritage

diwali1In honor of Indian Cultural Heritage, Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett along with the County’s Office of Community Partnerships will host the annual Diwali Celebration at the Executive Office Building on Nov. 2 in Rockville, according to a news release.

Diwali, also known as the “Festival of Lights,” is a holiday observed worldwide between mid-October and mid-November by people of Indian and South Asian Heritage.

The observance marks the beginning of the Hindu New Year and celebrates the victory of good over evil and light over darkness.

The event is free and takes place on Nov. 2 from 6 to 8 p.m. Those in attendance will enjoy Indian dances, a lamp lighting ceremony and a reception with light refreshments.

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Mitti Hicks

About Mitti Hicks

Mitti Hicks is a multimedia journalist and community engagement specialist with Montgomery Community Media. She is passionate about telling stories that impact our community and may be reached at and on Twitter @mittimegan.


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