photo of mcm studio a ready for county executive forum

County Executive Forum in Photos

Kojo Nnamdi and Tom Sherwood moderated the Oct. 1st Montgomery County Executive forum hosted by Montgomery Community Media (MCM). The forum was held in MCM’s studios and broadcast live. All three of the candidates for Montgomery County’s next Executive participated.

The candidates included March Elrich (D), Robin Ficker (R), and Nancy Floreen (I).

Photos from the forum may be found on MyMCMedia’s Facebook photo album titled County Executive Forum.

Here are a few of the photos from the forum:

  • photo of mcm studio a ready for county executive forum

    Studio a set up complete.

  • photo of mcm studio a ready for county executive forum

    Three seats ready for CE candidates - Nancy Floreen, Robin Ficker, and Marc Elrich.

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