County Council to Hold Public Hearing on Taxicab Credit Card Transactions (PHOTO)

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The Montgomery County Council will hold a public hearing on the taxicab credit card transaction Expedited Bill 53-15 early next year.

The hearing is scheduled for January 19, 2016 at 1:30 p.m. and will take place in the third floor Hearing Room of the Council Office Building.

According to a news release, the bill would limit the amount a licensee could charge a driver or affiliate for processing credit card transaction. The bill would also amend the requirements for credit card processing systems in taxicabs and also amend County law regarding taxicabs.

If you are interested in testifying at the hearing, you can start signing up on Thursday, Dec. 17th on the County Council website. You can also sign-up by calling 240.777.7803, the sign-up deadline is January 18, 2016 at 5 p.m.

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Maureen Chowdhury

About Maureen Chowdhury

Maureen Chowdhury is a multimedia journalist with Montgomery Community Media. She can be reached at and on Twitter at @MediaMaureen. Maureen authors the blog Sound Check on MyMCMedia.


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