UPDATED: Council Unanimously Approves Security Checkpoints for Council Office Building (VIDEO)

UPDATED Soon, visitors to the Council Office Building (COB) at 100 Maryland Avenue in downtown Rockville will have to pass thru a security checkpoint to enter the building. MyMCMedia’s Sonya Burke reports.

On Tuesday, Councilmembers unanimously approved a special appropriations request of $302,000 for the installation and staffing for security checkpoints at the COB entrances at the first floor auditorium and by the cafeteria on the second floor. There was no testimony during a public hearing and no discussion before the vote.

Deputy Council Administrator Glenn Orlin said the metal detectors are expected to be in place later this spring.

According to Orlin, uniformed police officers began attending Council meetings about one month ago. He said the additional security is for the safety of visitors as well as employees at the building.

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Sonya Burke

About Sonya Burke

Sonya Burke is the Multimedia Manager at Montgomery Community Media (MCM). You can email story ideas at sburke@mymcmedia.org or reach her on Twitter @SonyaNBurke.


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