Roger Berliner at press conference

Council President Press Conference (Video)

Montgomery County Council President Roger Berliner met with the media on Sept. 10 for the first time since the Council recessed for its annual summer break.  There were several issues on his mind, including: a ballot issue that voters will decide in November and expansion of the Bikeshare program in Montgomery County. He had a lot to say about Pepco following the severe Sept. 8 storm that left thousands of people without power this weekend. He noted that Montgomery County filed its comments to the Public Service Commission today and he said there will be an important meeting later this week with WSSC  because of the power outages.  He noted he will be New York City later this week to talk about the county’s bond rating with the County Executive. Finally, he said there will be another important committee meeting later this week to discuss implementing an economic development strategy for the county. You can watch the entire press conference here.

Berliner noted there will be no meeting with the media next week because of the Rosh Hashanah holiday.


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