Contest Gives Students a Chance to be Councilmember for a Day

Montgomery County Councilmember Craig Rice’s office is accepting entries in the 2018 Councilmember for a Day Challenge from now through June 15. This is the third year Rice will host the winner of the contest as an honorary Councilmember for a Day.

Rice, who serves as the chair of the Council’s Education Committee, is asking students in grades 8-11 (in high school in the 2018-2019 school year) to submit videos (of two minutes or less) or written essays (500 words or less) addressing the following question:

In your opinion, what is the most important public policy issue facing young people today? What are your ideas for dealing with this issue? What suggestions do you have for national, state and local leaders to address this issue?

The deadline for entries is 5 p.m. on Friday, June 15.

Ten students will be selected as contest finalists based on the quality and creativity of entries. The finalists will receive prizes ranging from $25 to $250 and official Council certificates at the Council’s Youth Town Hall meeting in the fall. The winner will be selected from the 10 finalists and will be the guest of honor at a Council breakfast, receive a Council proclamation, participate in a full Council meeting and receive a top prize of $500.  In addition to shadowing Councilmember Rice for the day, the winning student and his or her parents also will have dinner with the councilmember and his staff.

“As we go into our third year for my Councilmember for a Day challenge, I am excited to see what our talented and socially conscious students will submit in terms of issues that are important to them,” said Rice.  “I want our young people to know they are heard and that their ideas and views matter very much.”

The Council has created an on-line form for all contest submissions, which can be accessed at:

A flyer for the Councilmember for a Day Challenge can be found, here.


Previous posts:


Montgomery Blair Student Is Selected as Winner of Montgomery County “Councilmember for a Day” Challenge

Wootton High School Student Serves as Councilmember for a Day (VIDEO)

Wootton High School Student Angela Wu Wins Councilmember for a Day Challenge (VIDEO)

Councilmember Rice Launches Contest for High School Students (VIDEO)

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