Ceremony of Remembrance to Memorialize Lives Lost to Drug Addiction to be Held on Aug. 31

In honor of International Overdose Awareness Day, residents are invited to attend a ceremony of remembrance on Aug. 31 to memorialize lives lost to drug addiction.

Family members and friends will remember loved ones and light candles in their honor, according to a news release.

Surviving Our Ultimate Loss (S.O.U.L) in partnership with Montgomery County and the Circuit Court’s Adult Drug Court will be hosting the memorial which begins at 7 p.m. on Justice Plaza at the Montgomery County Circuit Court, 50 Maryland Avenue in Rockville.

A resource fair featuring substance abuse prevention and treatment information will be held at 5.30 p.m.

Free parking is available in the jury parking lot located at the corner of East Jefferson and Monroe Streets.

Anyone wishing to have a loved one memorialized in a video can send up to 10 photos, with name, date of birth and date of death to rememberingourlovedones2018@gmail.com.

Submissions are needed by Aug. 24.

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