Los funcionarios del condado de Montgomery han dicho que, según las estimaciones del censo de EE. UU., alrededor de 95,000 a 105,000 residentes en todo el condado tienen entre 5 y 11 años de edad y serían elegibles de recibir la vacuna de Pfizer, recientemente aprobada por la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de los […]
Es Probable que se Restablezca el Mandato del Uso de la Mascarilla
El mandato del uso de las mascarillas para sitios interiores en el condado de Montgomery probablemente se restablecerá a medida que el condado reingresó a la transmisión sustancial de coronavirus definida por los CDC, un día después de que se levantó el mandato. Con toda probabilidad, el mandato se restablecerá, dijo a MyMCM el viernes […]
Indoor Mask Mandate Will Likely be Reinstated Says County Health Officer
Montgomery County’s indoor mask mandate will likely be reinstated as the county re-entered CDC-defined substantial coronavirus transmission one day after the mandate was lifted. In all likelihood, the mandate will be reinstated, Acting County Health Officer Dr. James Bridgers told MyMCM Friday. The county is also waiting for the CDC to update its data. A […]
Takoma Park, Gaithersburg, MCPS y otros Continúan con el Mandato del Uso de las Mascarillas
La administradora de la ciudad de Gaithersburg, Tanisha Briley, anunció que la ciudad continuará con el requisito de que todos los visitantes mayores de dos años usen coberturas faciales y distancia física en todo momento mientras se encuentren en los espacios públicos de las instalaciones de la ciudad de Gaithersburg, independientemente del estado de vacunación. […]
Takoma Park, Public Schools, Others Continue Mask Mandates
The City of Takoma Park continues to mandate the wearing of masks at its indoor city facilities despite Montgomery County rescinding its mask mandate as of 12:01 Thursday morning. On both Facebook and Twitter, Takoma Park posted that its mandate requiring the wearing of masks in all city buildings and facilities in the city did […]
Housing Opportunities Commission To Appeal Decision Favoring Black Cemetery
The Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County will appeal a County Circuit Court’s decision to temporarily halt the sale of Westwood Tower Apartments in Bethesda. The property includes a parking lot that sits atop the former Moses Cemetery. Members of the Bethesda African Cemetery Coalition filed suit to stop what they consider the desecration of […]
Leaders Announce Guaranteed Income Pilot Program for 300 Households
County leaders announced a guaranteed income pilot program to provide monthly cash payments to 300 households. Each of the 300 households will receive $800 per month for 24 months, said Councilmember Will Jawando, a lead sponsor of the $1,993,832 council special appropriation to fund the program. A public hearing is scheduled for Nov. 2. Guaranteed […]
El Mandato del Uso de la Cubierta Facial en Lugares Cerrados Termina el Jueves
El mandato del uso de las mascarillas en lugares cerrados del condado de Montgomery finaliza a las 12:01 a.m. del jueves, dijo el ejecutivo del condado, Marc Elrich, durante una sesión informativa virtual, el miércoles. Enfatizó que todavía se requieren mascarillas en las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Montgomery (MCPS) y en el transporte público. […]
County Indoor Mask Mandate Ends Thursday
Montgomery County’s indoor mask mandate ends at 12:01 a.m. Thursday, County Executive Marc Elrich said during a virtual briefing Wednesday. He emphasized masks are still required in Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) and on public transportation. Elrich reminded residents that businesses can still choose to require indoor masking and have the right to refuse entry […]
Bethesda African Cemetery Coalition Stages ‘Victory Press Conference’
Members of the Bethesda African Cemetery Coalition held a “victory press conference” Wednesday to celebrate a court ruling that temporarily halted the sale of Westwood Tower Apartments, which has a paved parking lot atop the former Moses Cemetery. “We are still on cloud 12, not just cloud nine. We are still rejoicing,” said Rev. Segun […]
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