Montgomery Parks estará celebrando la octava semana anual de la conservación latina con una serie de eventos. Estos eventos se llevarán a cabo del 17 al 25 de julio. Se espera que se realize más de 160 eventos a nivel nacional para inspirar a la comunidad latina a ser guardianes del medio ambiente y ayudar […]
County to Celebrate Latino Conservation Week 2021
Montgomery Parks will be hosting a series of events to celebrate the 8th annual Latino Conservation Week, July 17 – 25. Latino Conservation Week was created by the Hispanic Access Foundation in 2014 and it aims to “connect Latino communities across the country with opportunities to get involved in outdoor recreation, conservation education, and advocacy […]
County Unveils Tool to Promote Transparency in Public Safety
Recently Montgomery County completed a study that looked into challenges surrounding policing. In an effort to improve transparency, the county has launched an initiative called Reimagining Public Safety Initiative. Residents will be able to access information about public safety thanks to a new dashboard made available online this week. The Reimagining Public Safety Dashboard tracks nearly 300 […]
Cementerio Ecológico en Silver Spring Recibe Aprobación Condicional
Se propone un parque funerario natural de múltiples religiones, en el que se entierra un cuerpo en un sudario o ataúd biodegradable, frente a la avenida New Hampshire. El 8 de julio, la Junta de Planificación del Condado de Montgomery aprobó la propuesta con condiciones menores relacionadas con el manejo de las aguas pluviales y […]
Green Cemetery in Silver Spring Receives Conditional Approval
A multi-faith natural burial park, in which a body is buried in a shroud or biodegradable casket, is proposed off New Hampshire Avenue. On July 8, the Montgomery County Planning Board approved the proposal with minor conditions concerning storm water management and forest conservation. The conditions must be met before Remembrance Life Inc. receives preliminary […]
Three Montgomery County Employers Win Commuter Awards
Three businesses in the Montgomery County Department of Transportation’s (MCDOT) Commuter Services program won regional awards at the Commuter Connections Employer Recognition Awards according to a press release. The awards are given to employers that develop the most innovative and successful commuter programs that focus on reducing the number of single-occupancy drivers. Businesses incorporate the […]
Condado Bajo Alerta de Hipertermia; Las Temperaturas Alcanzarán los 90 Grados
El condado de Montgomery está bajo una alerta de hipertermia desde el mediodía hasta las 7 p.m. el martes. El condado emite una alerta de hipertermia cuando se proyecta que la temperatura y / o el índice de calor alcanzarán los 95 grados o más. Los funcionarios del condado aconsejan a los residentes que permanezcan […]
County Under Hyperthermia Alert; Temperatures Expected to Reach 90s
Montgomery County is under a Hyperthermia Alert from noon to 7 p.m. on Tuesday. The County issues a Hyperthermia Alert when the temperature and/or heat index is projected to reach 95 degrees or higher. County officials advise residents to stay indoors whenever possible, drink plenty of water, and to wear proper protection from the sun. Pets, […]
For Third Straight Day, Montgomery County Under Hyperthermia Alert
Montgomery County is under another Hyperthermia Alert today from noon to 7 p.m. When temperatures and/or the heat index are projected to reach 95 degrees or higher, the county issues an alert. The Montgomery County Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security lists the following precautions to help residents stay safe: stay indoors when possible […]
Condado Bajo Alerta de Hipertermia por Altas Temperaturas
Hoy lunes, el condado de Montgomery está bajo una alerta de hipertermia desde el mediodía hasta las 7 p.m. El condado emite una alerta de hipertermia cuando se pronostica que el índice de temperatura / calor será de al menos 95 grados. Según el condado, esto crea una “situación peligrosa en la que es probable […]
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